Sunday 21 December 2014

Diving into the moshpit

The Mosh pit

When diving in to a mosh pit a person has to have a fair amount of trust that the group of people about to be squashed are going to catch him, after all a six foot fall on to the floor is not my idea of a great night out. Similarly behind every success there is a network of people who provide a vital role of support and action to make the success blossom. In the case of the Apollo moon landings it is the hundreds and thousands of designers, engineers, and everyone involved with placing 2 guys on the moon that made it happen.

Thank you all

Well, this year at Magicka and PlymouthEDU we have had a great year and this post is to acknowledge some of the amazing people who have contributed to that success over the last year (mainly because I can't fit it in a tweet ;)).


On the first day of christmas comes Brookgreen Centre for Learning a school I feel so very privileged to be involved with, a superb forward thinking school with happy students and a radical approach to learning and technology, OfSTED agree. Brookgreen have trusted us to guide them in ICT completely and trustingly even though at the time our advice was seen as "non-conventional" and "fringe". 

Thank you Helen for all the help with the delivery of the curriculum and total trust you have in our advice, thank you for pushing the boundaries even further than we advised or thought possible this year.

Thank you Sara, and the SLT for just allowing us to operate like a member of staff and give us the flexibility to change our working arrangements to suit the load, as a very small company this is the most fantastic gift and one we are very very grateful for.

To the rest of the amazing staff at BG, thank you for adopting the cloud, chromebooks and a different way of working over the last 12 years, you are all pioneers in education space and I use Brookgreen to proudly show how technology in education can be so different and fun.

Finally to the amazing students who might need help with a bit of reading, writing and sometimes social interaction, but are amazing when given technology to play with, fizzingly excited to show off their skills to guests of the school and amaze me everyday.

Plymouth City Council

On the second day of christmas, Plymouth City Council decided to retain the services of Simon after almost every other authority had made all their lifelong learning teams redundant to save money, Plymouth remained committed to providing schools with a connection point to the authority with Simon.

Simon, thank you for helping to develop a cloud vision for the city, I am sure with your assistance we can deliver a world class educational system in the city as we have often spoken about and dreamed of.

Assorted Techs and Networky bods

On the third day of Christmas came a list of amazing people.

Ben F, Shane C, Sharon D, Daisy B, Dan L, Mark A, and many many many other people that see the future and have a thirst for change, Just like a tree lifts concrete on a city street, these people strive for change in a world where conformity is the norm want to shake the status quo. To these people I say thank you.

...... The Amazing Keith

The rest of the Christmas days are dedicated to the Amazing Keith and my long suffering family, they just know why. Thank you!!!


  1. A very merry Christmas Steve, many thanks for your continued help and vision.

  2. Thanks for the mention Steve. Been great working with you in 2014 and here's to 2015! Happy Christmas
